Practicing to Exist Along With Your Wheelchair Varieties
The use of wheelchair is different for different individuals. Few people use it for short interval whereas several others use a wheelchair for lifelong. Which many other processes you use them might be distinct but one thing is fix, the current modern wheelchair is a new marvel in pattern compared to 100 years before.
Wheelchairs are of two varieties, first is the power wheelchair & the second is the manual wheelchair. Both have limitations & merits. The manual wheelchair is additionally classified into, the rigid frame and the folding frame manual wheelchair. The folding wheelchair can be folded together (wheel facing wheel) for very simple compact carrying.
this modern wheelchair
The current non automatic wheel chair
But folding frame chair has a demerit, it is more heavy than rigid frame chair. The one piece rigid frames have no scissor arms that are essential for folding therefore, this wheelchair is much lighter. Sport wheelchair is the second name of rigid frame wheelchair.
So there are two alternatives, either get power wheelchairs or manual wheelchairs. If you have benefits of each type of wheelchair then there are demerits also. The manual wheelchair gives the patient a bodily workout in arm exercise. The power wheel chair allows you a 20 mile reach in easy locomotion. There is no physical exertion in executing a power wheelchair.
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